Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 328 of 365

Filled with so much love it is oozing from all over :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 327 of 365

What a wonderfully amazing evening! I feel yucky, but it just doesn't even matter. I am blessed in so many ways to be loved by such an incredible man. I loved him then, I love him now and I will love him for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 326 of 365

You know I don't feel well when my ring is ready in Waco and I felt too much like crap to go get it :(

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 325 of 365

Took 4 naps today as well as nasty cough drops and nyquil. I feel like death warmed over. It's official, I caught the first head cold of the season from Emily. Love her, hate the cold :(

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 324 of 365

I keep checking the mirror today because it seems some people think I have "I'm stupid" written on my forehead.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 323 of 365

Since Emmy still wasn't feeling well today, we skipped our usual Sunday morning routine of Sister's and I made french toast for breakfast. We watched a couple of movies and just enjoyed a chill day. I hate when it is cold season. There isn't much you can do other than treat the symptoms to try and make them more comfortable and wait it out. She started in with the cough on Thursday but wasn't really sick until Friday so today was day 3. That means we should be over the hump and she should be well on her way to feeling better. She was already saying during the day today that she was starting to feel better. Then, as is often the case, the day wore on and her symptoms were coming back. I find that often happens as you become more tired you start to feel bad again. Guess we will see how she is feeling in the morning to determine whether she is going to school or not. I hope she gets to go as that child loves school, but if she is still hacking and sniffling, there will be no school.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 322 of 365

Still have a sick baby. Hoping she is feeling better in the morning.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 321 of 365

Had a sick baby today :( Sure hope she feels better quickly and does not share it with us!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 320 of 365

I cannot be the only one that was crying at the end of Grey's.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 319 of 365

Nah, you can't tell we are all Bigbee's LOL

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 318 of 365

Today was a day that was filled with emotion and I'm not really sure why. I felt like I was missing something, forgetting something that I just couldn't put my finger on and it was driving me nuts. Being a confessed control freak, I find it difficult to deal with not remembering things. It takes me back to when my B12 was lacking and I was having severe memory problems. It's nowhere near that bad but it just freaks me out.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 317 of 365

Feel like I got close to nothing done today. Can see it will be an early night.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 316 of 365

All I will say about this day is I am thankful for the rain, but oh my gosh do I hate driving in storms. Don't think Smokey Joe got damaged in that hail storm on the way home, but I don't ever want to relive it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 315 of 365

Had a wonderful exciting day with my honey. We slept in, then got up and went to Waco for breakfast out. Our next stop was the jewelry store where we paid off our engagement ring! Later we came home and took a nice long nap together then enjoyed each other's company for the rest of the evening. Love days like this!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 314 of 365

Made it home safely and even saw a little rain on the drive. Ready for good sleep :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 313 of 365

Okay friends and family! One of my extended cousins is starting up her Pampered Chef business and asked for volunteers to host a party. Since she lives in California and I'm don't, we decided to do a catalog party. So let's help this super lady out. Go to this website: and pick out something you just can't live without! Remember that Christmas is right around the corner and there are lots of cool gifts and stocking stuffers! After you choose your first (of many) items, add it to the cart and it will ask you to put in your hosts name. Type in "Liz" and you will find me :) If you have any questions, pop me a message and I will find out for you ASAP! Let's all help out Dori Walker in her new endeavor! Come on all you Bigbees, we can do this!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 312 of 365

Hi, my name is Liz and I am a Big Brother/Survivor junkie. Now, having said that, I should say that tonight was like the holy grail of TV viewing for me. The season premiere of Survivor was followed by the season finale of Big Brother! I could never even try to be on either show for MANY reasons, but I have to say that the voyeur in me loves to watch these shows! I know, I know, it's cheesy sometimes, but I just can't help it. I am fascinated by human nature and the lengths that people will go for their 15 minutes of fame! More power to you, if you have the ability to do something like this!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 311 of 365

Today's post is about compression socks. For quite some time now I have been dealing with swollen feet. It seems to be mostly heat related, but who knows. I had blood work done and everything seems to be fine. I have been taking water pills and HUGE potassium pills and it helps some but there are some days my feet still look like they belong to an elephant. A short time ago I purchased some compression socks that are used for people with circulatory issues. Now first let me say that I am NOT a sock person. I would much rather be barefoot than in socks or shoes. However, these are really quite comfortable ONCE YOU GET THEM ON! The first few times I wore them, I had to have Jim help me get them on. Oh My Heck! It looked pretty funny, I am sure. Now I can put them on all by myself like a big girl :) If you have any circulation issues at all that are leaving you with swelling, I would highly recommend getting some of these. You don't have to spend a fortune on them either. Some go as high as $100 a pair, but I got these at Walmart in the men's department. This is what the package looks like:

I think they were about $7!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 310 of 365

My beautiful daughter, Emmy, had said to me not so long ago that she wished she wasn't such an emotional person because she thinks it makes people not take her seriously. I had to explain to her that although I understood what she meant, her being emotional is what makes her, her! She is a loving, wonderful young lady that has a caring level that goes beyond sympathy into empathy, just like her mom. It is hard sometimes to feel what other people around me feel. I don't mean I have to strain to do it. I mean sometimes you get to the point that you feel like if you have to feel so deeply what everyone else is feeling for even another minute, you may just explode. I often was that way, but not always. After each of the kid's births, I suffered with PPD. Luckily when I had Emily, I had the most amazing OB/GYN in the world who walked into the room for my six week checkup, took one look at me and saw it instantly. Told me I wasn't the bubbly person he knew. He put me on medication to help me deal with it and for eight months I remained on it. The problem was that it made me just medium all the time. I didn't get the lows anymore, but I also didn't get the highs. Trust me when I say that having NO emotions is far worse than having sad emotions.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 309 of 365

I had planned on doing a big emotional post for my 9/11 post, but after a day of sheer exhaustion from crying so much. It just wasn't in me. Started before we ever got out of bed. My empathy level for the victims, their families and our nation was through the roof and it was not something that I dealt with very well. We went to Sister's for our usual Sunday morning-mid morning, okay almost afternoon meal. They have a TV going all the time with news on it and of course it was all about that fateful day. I ended up crying there more than once. I did survive the day. My brother and I were video chatting later that day and he had my SIL both said that my eyes looked like his, raccoon eyes. They weren't dark, just shadowed, but oh my gosh they were puffy from all the tears.

All that rambling being done, I guess this post is simply about my heart going out to the entire nation for the loss we all suffered on that fateful day ten years ago.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 308 of 365

Today was a beautiful day! It wasn't too hot, it wasn't too cold. The temperature gauge still topped out in the mid 90's but after all the super high temps before, and with the breeze it felt nice. We had fun with the girls. After we woke up this morning, they decided they wanted to go see Zookeeper. We got everyone ready and headed out the door. After the movie we did a little shopping at Big Lots, then the mall where we visited my ring and got hot pretzels. After stops at Claire's and Bath & Body Works, we headed back home. Emily's friend, Shelby, headed home a little after and I made homemade pizza for supper. Sometime shortly after I must have fallen asleep because I woke up about 20 minutes ago. Now after a short post, I will be headed to bed.

Tomorrow's post will be a difficult one to make as it is the 10th anniversary of the tragedy that occurred on 9/11/01. Suppose I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 307 of 365

Emily's friend, Shelby, is staying the night tonight. It is also homecoming so we went to their very small parade after school and are going to at least go to the first half and halftime of the game. Not sure how long we will make it after that. Looking forward to bedtime tonight as I could really use a nap lol

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 306 of 365

Well, here we are, together again. I was able to check many things off my to do list today so that made me very happy. Love when I feel like I have been productive. Going to start doing hot spot cleaning again next week. Going to make my schedule tomorrow so everything is already marked on my calendar as to what I will work on what day. I did meal planning for this week and it sure made things easier. Forgot how much better it is to just know what I am going to cook instead of trying to figure out at the last minute. Will get back to my schedule the way it was as it worked very well. Now that school is back in full swing it should be easy to get back on task.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Very productive day. As we know, productive days are often early nights. Sweet dreams.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 304 of 365

Is loving the fact that our home is going to bed early tonight. We all need our beauty sleep :) Night world!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 303 of 365

This was a very long day. Tried to make the most out of the time with Kyle and Lizzy while awaiting the return of Emily. We all had a great time together, and am so thankful we all got to have supper together so that Emily could spend time with her brother and step sister. The drive home provided the opportunity to talk with Emily about the weekend and then take a very much needed nap. So many things to take care of to make sure everything is okay.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 302 of 365

Enjoyed the time with the kids, but my heart ached to make sure my little girl was okay.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 301 of 365

Having a wonderful time with Jim and the kids that is being overshadowed only by the fact that some people are not looking down the line at the long term effects of their incredibly poor choices. This brings me such sadness :'(

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 300 of 365

So excited to be in Angelo with Sweetie, Kyble and Miss Lizzy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 299 of 365

I think my life has become a never ending cycle of laundry. Can't tell you how many jeans I have washed, shirts I have hung, socks I have matched and towels I have folded this week. I think there is someone living in our home that I don't know about because surely three people cannot produce this much laundry!