Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 114 of 365

Well another day, still no sleep.  Out of the past 140 hours I have slept around 10, doing it only in a maximum of about 30 minutes per session.  Contrary to what I thought would happen, I haven't just passed out from exhaustion, in fact it seems to be having the opposite effect on me.  I am exhausted, yet wired.  I just want to go to sleep.  I can't tell you how many times today I looked to the sky with a tear stained face and begged God to just let me go to sleep.  I will do it again in just a little while and hope and pray that I can get some rest.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 113 of 365

Still sick and this freaking sucks.  My throat feels like someone used a brillo pad on it.  I haven't had a good night's sleep since the middle of last week.  I am sleeping no more than a couple of hours a night TOTAL and that is usually in 15-30 minute stints.  Needless to say, this has made me a little bit grouchy.  That is all. =(

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 25, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 110 of 365

Went to Emily's school today for her "Black History Program".  Her group sang "We Are The World" and did a lovely job.  Most of the program was was really good, except for the group immediately following hers. The next group did a skit about Rosa Parks. I'm not sure where they heard their story, but I always heard that Rosa Parks was an African American woman that was told to give up her seat by a white man and then was arrested. In this version she was a very tall, very white woman told to give up her seat by a black woman and then arrested. In a school that is 75% black, they couldn't find one child to play Rosa Parks? I was not the only parent that noticed this.  I was kinda floored to be honest.  How could they get it so horribly wrong?

The blessing I am counting tonight is for the knowledge of the past that helps us to not repeat it in the future.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 109 of 365

For the first time in almost 2 1/2 years I have found myself in a position where I don't quite know how to say what I need to say.  There is something that has been bothering me and clouding up my mind that I feel like I need to get out and I just don't know how to address it.  I am usually a pretty head on say now and thinking about what you said later kind of person so this is new for me to be at a loss.  I discussed it with a friend this evening (Thank you, friend!) and she recommending getting it out and soon.  I know I need to do this, I just don't know how.  I know this is all very vague but I don't feel I can post what it is about right now.  I guess I am just trying to work through it and figure out how to discuss it.  Am I afraid to say it?  Am I afraid of the reaction?  Am I just wanting to avoid the eye roll that often comes when my mind has made more of a situation than it really is?  I just don't know.  I would hope that once I get it out then I would feel better, but I am not certain that this is the case this time.  Guess I will have to stew on it a bit longer while I figure this out.

The blessing I am counting tonight is for the brain that God gave me to work through situations like these.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 108 of 365

Miss Emmy stayed home today with a tummy bug.  She had a rough night with vomiting so we decided she needed to stay home.  She has done pretty well, asking to eat, but I only gave her crackers.  We'll see if she keeps those down.  She finally crashed about 10 minutes ago and seems to be resting comfortably.

The blessing I am counting today is for saltine crackers.  They can taste like a steak dinner when you are hungry LOL

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 107 of 365

Today was spent napping and folding laundry and that's about it.  Enjoyed having my honey home even though we didn't get much done.

Today's blessing is for state and federal holidays that result in days off for my honey.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 106 of 365

Well, last night we fell asleep in the living room for awhile, then woke up and watched tv and played on the puter a little while watching the forums for cruise info.  We are both getting really excited about our upcoming vacation!  It's fun being able to talk with other people that will be on our ship and make new friends ahead of sailing.  My back was really acting up last night so I ended up coming back to my chair about 5:30 this morning and resting there as long as my back would allow.

According to the Carnival homepage, we sail in 26 days!  This is a blessing!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 105 of 365

Jim and I are alone for the first time in a month.  I miss Emmy like crazy, but we are enjoying some quiet time.  We just ate breakfast after I made eggs, biscuits and sausage gravy.  Going to work on details for our cruise and just enjoy each other.

The blessing I am counting is the ability to love with everything in me.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 104 of 365

I sent lunch with Emmy today and will give her the medicine when I pick her up from the bus stop.  Today is the day we drive to Valera to meet Steven so she can go to Crane for the weekend.  I am still sore from my fall, but my back is hurting more than anything else right now.  Took some pain medicine and a muscle relaxer and now I am going to take a little nap.

The blessing I am counting today is for a good nap that will help me feel better.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 103 of 365

Have been jotting my entries down in my notebook these past few days.    Am going to predate them now so I am back on track.

Just made another trip to Emily's school to have lunch with her and give her some medicine.  I enjoy spending lunch time with my angel and she likes it, too.  I can see that the medicine is helping her and she isn't so nervous about her inhaler.

Today I am blessed by being able to go to lunch with my angel.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 102 of 365

Today has been a really off day.  I can't put my finger on exactly what is wrong, but something is just really off.  Have felt out of kilter for a couple of days now.  I am still pretty sore in my foot at my toes but my ankle feels fine and the road rash on my left calf is starting to disappear.  I think it is more emotional than anything.  Maybe I have PMS even though I don't get MS anymore lol.  Hopefully I will wake up tomorrow and feel back like myself.

The blessing I will count today is that I no longer have periods. LOL

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 101 of 365

Spent the entire morning at the doctor's office and pharmacy getting meds to take care of the angel girl.  Found out she has "cold variant asthma".  The prescribed "bubble gum" medicine, steroids and an inhaler as well as gave us a handful of samples of really really good decongestant.  Em is pretty worked up over the steroids because all she ever heard about steroids was that a bunch of athletes got in trouble over them.  It has taken some talking to help her understand that steroids, when used properly and for the correct reason, are not bad.  We are also dealing with the fact that she can't swallow pills.  If anyone has any suggestions for how to help her learn, by all means, please share!

The blessing I am counting today is for my big comfy chair and how it helps me prop up this nasty looking foot that is still throbbing off and on.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 100 of 365

Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 99 of 365

Had a nice relaxing day with Jim, Emmy and Loretta.  Has been nice having her here.  We had breakfast at Sister's.  Susie and Ron from next door were sweet enough to give us a gift certificate for there and it paid for all of our breakfasts.  My foot is still killing me.  The woman from WM called today to check on me and I thought that was nice.  Feeling very tired and am thinking that a pain pill is calling my name.

Feeling blessed from the sweet anticipation of our vacation in just under 5 weeks!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 98 of 365

Well the cat's out of the bag!  Surprised my honey with his present during his party.  We are going on a 5 day cruise with ports of call in Progresso and Cozumel!  Was planning it for 6 weeks and everything fell into place.

Hadn't posted since Friday morning so I didn't write about my fall at Walmart yet, but too tired tonight so will write about it tomorrow.

The blessing I am counting was being surrounded by wonderful people and lots of new friends including getting to meet Jim's office wife :)

Happy 60th Birthday, my love!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 97 of 365

Going to be a busy busy day!  Have to go to Waco and pick up supplies for the party that I have not already gotten, get my brows threaded, pick up a picture I had printed at WM and then come home and color my hair.  Once I get my hair colored,  I need to start preparing some of the food for tomorrow.  We are having a very sweet lady that is coming in for the weekend to help us celebrate Jim's birthday and she will be here this evening so I need to finish off her bedroom as well.  We are all very excited that she is coming to visit :)

The blessing I am counting today is my sore knees.  Yep, you read that right, I am thankful for my sore knees today.  I would prefer they hadn't been giving me problems for months now, but I am thankful that I am not immobile or addicted to pain pills to keep them under control.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

96 of 365

Been up since 2 this morning and am really tired.  I twisted my back this morning so I'm in a little bit of pain.  I am going to cuddle up with my heating pad and take a pain pill.

Thankful for my heating pad and pain pills.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spent a wonderful day with the honey and angel girl. Looking forward to this weekend. Counting the blessing of time ad having enough of it :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 94 of 365

Finally took the time to strip my hair this morning.  YUCK it stinks.  Hate this smell.  Hopefully when I color it tomorrow that horrid smell will cover up this one and in a few days it should be fine.  Four more days until I can finally let the cat out of the bag about my dear honey's present!  I am SO excited!

The blessing I am counting today is for the heater in the bathroom.  It keeps it toasty warm in there!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 93 of 365

Day started out well.  Had a nice hot shower and then picked up Chinese food to take to the school and have lunch with Emmy.  She was going to need more medicine at noon.  When I got there we had lunch but she sounded awful so I brought her home with me.  We stopped for more medicine along the way.  Took a little nap on the love seat with her then I made supper.  Picked up my honey from work and we just finished eating.  I suppose today's post is more of a recap of events than anything meaningful.

Today I am counting the blessing of General Tso's Chicken from our local Chinese place.  YUMMO!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 92 of 365

Busy day but a good one. Watching the Steelers get beat!
The blessing I am counting today is for the lady at the nail salo that gives the best pedis EVER!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 91 of 365

We have had a very productive day!  I managed to get my corner cleaned out, moved my bookshelf and purged some books I didn't want that I will bless someone else with.  Jim and I (mostly Jim) moved furniture around the living room and he ran the steam cleaner.  Then we set the furniture back up in a new way.  All in prep of his party next weekend!  I made a yummy supper and in a few minutes I will snuggle up with my baby.

Today the blessing I am counting is for having a handy hubby-to-be!

43 days until vacation!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 90 of 365

Another text post that didn't go through.

SNOW SNOW SNOW!  Have my Emmy home today because there was snow.  BRRRR!

Thankful for the gift of being indoors on this cold day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 89 of 365

It's a very blustery day, Pooh!  It has been oh so cold today and you can hear the wind blowing strong.  We are supposed to get snow tonight and tomorrow.  School tomorrow is already on a two hour delay.  Em is hoping for closure :)  Going to make it a short post as my honey is already in bed and I want to go snuggle! 

The blessing I am counting tonight is for a heating system that works well!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 88 of 365

SO SO SO EXCITED!!!  I just took care of Jim's birthday present and I am so excited!  Can ya tell? Huh huh?  Can ya?  I can't post what it is yet, but 10 days from now I will post it!  It's a surprise for my honey and I can't wait!  Some of you may already know what it is as you are in on the "details" to help pull it off.  Remember to SHHHHH as it's a secret!

The blessing I am counting today is for the means to make this very special surprise happen!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 87 of 365

Freezing cold temperatures and very high winds caused the schools here to be closed today.  For the most part this was a good thing as I got to spend the day with my sweet angel girl!  I was surprised that the closed, though, as there was no snow and only slight freezing rain/ice in the morning.  What this amounts to is the fact that they will have to make up the day on Good Friday.  It's going to be about the same tomorrow morning as it was this morning so wondering if they will be taking the day off again tomorrow.

Since she was here, we were planning on watching My Fair Lady this morning but we couldn't find our copy.  Emily has never seen it before so it would have been great fun.  I showed her clips of some of the songs from it on youtube and she was so excited.  This makes me very happy!

The blessing that I will be counting today is Kandy, my honey's OW (Office Wife).  I really enjoy email chatting back and forth with her and being able to get information that I will need shortly!